Thursday, November 20, 2014


Today students will learn control statements, they will understand the syntax of If/Then statement, they will use If/Then statement to create a simple program, they will work/improve their blog and post Javascript application #4. Good Luck!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

We will continue to work on javascript (Mathematical operation). You guys will understand, and apply javascript function. Students should also apply the concept of variable and operators.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Good morning students! We will explore more about function in java script. What is function? How important it is in developing program. We will do mathematical operation to demonstrate function.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Our goal for today is to complete the script for currency conversion. Students will be able to put it on their blog under ECS link .

    See example here...[Currency Conversion page.]

Friday, November 14, 2014

Today students will do Javascript Exercise no. 2 1. Apply the concept of variables, output, input and button. 2. Create a Currency conversion page.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Today in Period 2;

   > Students will introduced to java script, reasons why they need to learn java script;
   > Learn what java script can do,
   > Learn the structure of java scripting and where to apply java script,
   > Learn the different java script output,
   > Learn basic syntax of java script,
   > Learn java script statements;
   > Learn how to add comments and the importance of comments.

    By: Mr. Madali

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Today in period 2, we will go over with uploading Flash content into to your blog.

       Step 1. Create an account for Google site. (google Google site.)

      Step 2. Follow the steps provided in the site to create your own Google site.

     Step 3. Upload swf file as attachment at Google site.

     Step 4. Copy the link of the swf file and paste to the blog demonstration page.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Today in Period 2 at Los Angeles High School,

        (Continuation of the lesson from yesterday)

         Students will be able to review their blog and add new post.

        Students will be able to upload SWF files to their blog.

        Students will understand the concept of javascript.

        Students will be able to work quietly inside the computer lab.

       Students will participate well in class discussion.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Today in Period 2 at Los Angeles High School,

         Students will be able to review their blog and add new post.

        Students will learn how to apply HTML/CSS in refining their pages.

        Students will be able to upload SWF files to their blog.

        Students will understand the concept of javascript.

        Students will be able to work quietly inside the computer lab.

       Students will participate well in class discussion.