Scratch Programming:
         Learn programming using scratch program.

                    1. Name Project (Practice)
                    2. Name Project (Challenge)
                    3. Dialogue Project
                    4. Baseball
                    5. Alphabet Program (to use event driven)
                    6. Summer Story Project
                   7. Project (Healthy Game)

                   8. Guessing Game
                               (Learn variables, conditional statements, inputs, and random numbers)

                   9. Trivia Game ( An independent work to show knowledge of variables, conditional, and game development)

                   10. Racing no. 1 (guided practice)

                   11, Racing Game ver. 2 (Independent Practice)

                   12. Monkey Game ver. 1.0 (Guided practice controlling sprite using arrow the keys)

                   13. Independent Work (Make your own game) Using the arrow keys

                   14. Project Game (Focusing on gravity and velocity)
                         PinBall Example

                   15. Stamp Project

                   16. Color Pencil Project

                   17. Line Project

                   18. Shapes Project

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